Friday, 2 July 2010

When Two Worlds Collide: A Poem That Celebrates The Strength Of Love

When Two Worlds Collide

I stood there pensive
not knowing where to turn
you decided for me
your strong grasp was firm

The way you pulled me
closer - next  to you
told a story
what we had to do

We  broke our orbit
left the known behind
moved ahead and gathered
all the stars in line

Propelled our beings
toward another path
the unknown - but surely
worth the risk of wrath

In the end they'd find
forever entwined we two
our new world together
never apart from you



 This amazing photograph:lrargerich's photostream "Sun World" 


Marshy said...

Nice one Moonie, it captures a lorna doone or romeo & juliet theme That survives whilst set against a back drop of stars and planets.

Brian Miller said...

liking the space references...speaks to my inner star wars geek...wondering about the wrath...hmm...

Brian Miller said...

haha. love the ad for Ion Maiden that linked up to this post...smiles.

moondustwriter said...

Space the final frontiere. You guys have too much time on your hands. LOL

PoeticHeart said...

Incredibly written Leslie! Love this. Really beautifully done!

MS Raghav said...

very nice :)