Tuesday, 3 August 2010

One Shot Wednesday: A Place to Share Your Poems

Welcome to One Shot Wednesday - A Place For Poets To Share 

Brian here and this week I will be your host for One Shot! Can you believe we have only been at this for a month now. Each week i am amazed at the incredible word artists we are drawing to this community. Ok, let me cover some quick instructions;

1. Write an original poem and post it to your blog

2. Link back to One Shot Wednesday from your post

3. Sign up in the Mr Linky list, linking directly to your post, AFTER you've posted it.

4. Go visit others that have posted. This is a great way to learn new forms, meet new poets and gain inspiration for your next piece. though this is not mandatory we encourage you to visit at least one other poet and give some helpful feedback.

At One Stop Poetry we welcome all forms of poetry and hope that One Shot Wednesday gives you a chance to share, express and feel a part of our fast growing community. On behalf of Leslie, AdamPete and myself thanks for taking part and have fun out there....


One Stop - The Place For Poets, Writers and Artists said...

welcome to another one shot everybody...look forward to another great week!


Marshy said...

hi all..missed the fun of last week but looking forwarding to another exciting One Shot...thanks for joining..Pete

dustus said...

Thanks for getting this party started, Bri. Glad you're back Pete! Looking forward to another great week of poetry!

Just posted mine...

cheers :)

Claudia said...

great place - great fun - great inspiration - and fantastic people to meet...i'm excited and my poem is up..

Alec (stryka66) said...

Great to be here again - hope all's well with you all - keep up this fantastic work...

Bill Cook said...

Hi Everyone,

I look forward o reading and sharing again. My link: http://beginningpoetry.wordpress.com/2010/08/02/by-the-still-water/

- Bill

Brian Miller said...

hey bill!
hey claudia!
hey alec!

we are starting off really good this week...some amazing word art!

Marshy said...

Theron...i love your work and i love your blog..but i cant comment..excellent piece..cheers Pete

Marshy said...

okay guys it might be tea time for you but midnight is fast drawing in for me...gonna sleep and look forward to all the amazing poems being posted...happy One Shot Day..cheers Pete

Amanda said...

Hi everyone, very happy to be here and can't wait to read all the wonderful word art!! x

dustus said...

Theron, like how you used pop cultural references in your lines. Nice flow!

moondustwriter said...

Glad to see so many of you up already at One Shot Wednesday.
Can't wait to enjoy each fine work of poetry.

my poem is dedicated to poets

Beachanny said...

Hi, finally got my tumblr site to take this week's poem. It's entitled Forever Blue. Leave remarks here as apparently it's funky or impossible to do so there. Hope you enjoy it. Looking forward to reading the poems you all have posted. Thanks for inviting me.

Kira Stann said...

Hi Everyone,
Looking forward to reading all your wonderful poems!

Brian Miller said...

gay, love your poem in blue...blue jens are my fav thing to wear...and the humor in your closing line is perfect...lol.

g-man said...

Thanks again Brian, Adam, Pete. Leslie...You guys are on the way to creating a MONSTER!!

Maureen said...

I don't know if the poem I wrote for my son on Monday qualifies. It's titled "Twenty-two" and is here:


L.L. Barkat said...

Any excuse to write a poem! :)

Thanks for the opportunity.

CM said...

I linked up for the first time! Not really sure if I did it right and I'm not really even a poet, but oh well :-)

I hope to make it around to all of your posts over the next day.

TALON said...

Looking forward to reading everyone's fantastic poetry!

Mommy Emily said...

i love the freedom of this place...

PattiKen said...

This is like a buffet of nothing but desserts. Can't wait to dig in.

I’m up here.

Caty said...

I agree with PattiKen!

Unknown said...

I made it didn't think would this week

Unknown said...

Glad to be in again :) This is a swell group. Thanks for having me.

Tracy H

Brian Miller said...

gmorning all...
pati i guess that means i get desert for breakfast...lol.

Emmanuel Ibok said...

Due to my poor internet connectivity, I couldnt participate last week. My apologies to my friend, the host Adam Dustus and the entire team, Moony, B and Pete.

This week I am participating and I cooked up something for this specifically. I wish you all the best as well as this community. It is a good thing for poetry to be appreciated. Have a lovely Wednesday y'all.


Jessie said...

i'm anxious to get started on my morning read--Happy Wednesday to all!


Katherine Krige said...

Hello all
I am excited that it is Wednesday again. This is such a great place to read beautiful words. Tipping my hat to Brian for hosting and Leslie, Pete and Adam for providing this wonderful forum.


dustus said...

@ Lord Em: Gr8t to see u! No worries. Internet problems stink.

@ Emily: me too!

@ kkrige; thanks!

Been commenting this morning & enjoying the reading! cheers everybody :)

Brian Miller said...

just caught back up...and a bow back to the lady kkrige...smiles.

Tichaona Chinyelu said...

I just found out about this. I hope to make it a regular part of my week. Thanks!

Fireblossom said...

Count me in, duuuuuuuuudes.

*laffin* :-D

Bubba said...

Thanks for all the kind words everyone! I've enjoyed reading your poems as well and I'll definitely be back next Monday!

Marshy said...

seeing some great poems posted this week and loving the reading...

good to see you back lordy




One Shot Day could soon become a National Holiday...cheers all Pete

moondustwriter said...

If I had to pick my favorite - I would be in bad shape. This moon is overwhelmed by the quality of poetry here

Loving it!!!

Kavita said...

It's great to be back!
Here is my One Shot for this week... :)
Off to to read the other cool stuff now...
A lovely Wednesday to all!!

Beth said...

My first time. Love the concept.

annell4 said...

Don't know if I did the right thing? Was there a prompt I didn't see?

Brian Miller said...

no prompt annell...its a free for all...whatever you would like....

lacunaecorridors said...

thanks for the opportunity- first time here.

Kavita said...

@Gay: your poem was very refreshing! The analogy was quite stunning actually!
So carefully and neatly, you've let those emotions trickle through the words.. I really enjoyed it!

Beachanny said...

Thank you for the kind comments posted here. It was for me a summation of those "frustrating moments" with the guy you live with..can't live with/ couldn't get rid of :)

I'm wondering if I should change blog sites. I sort of fell into tumblr but it's not very accommodating. Any suggestions?

Theron Kennedy said...

thanks for the forum and the reads and comments.

Marshy said...

hi...my night is drawing in and i shall continue viewing in the morning...so far i have been nothing less than impressed..thanks for all your comments and helping to make to do ONE SHOT DAY...cheers to all Pete

MrBill said...

Greetings Poets, Poetry-Lovers, and everyone else that just happened to stumble into One Shot Wednesday!

Thanks again to Brian, Leslie, Peter (if there are more culprits please let me know) for providing this wonderful new and supportive venue for online poetry!

This week I am sharing another photo-montage-verse from my Vagabond Poetry - Eyes Along The Road -

For those that wish to leave comments you have join the RG community (don't worry it is free and relatively painless) this link will get you signed up - http://redgage.com/?refby=MrBill

Cheers! everyone and Happy hUMp Day! - MrBill (-;

Unknown said...

Hey everyone!

I've really enoyed reading all the great writing here. I stumbled onto a contributor here (thank you Brian!)during a usual evening of poetry seeking on blogger and found his mention of Oneshot. This is the place to be, and to read!!

Good luck everyone:)

Laurie A. said...

haven't done this in a while.

dustus said...

@ Mr. Bill : Enjoyed how your peom and image work together so well.
thanks for sharing with One Shot!

Sheila said...

I think I am losing my mind. I linked my Sisterhood Journey poem to another blog yesterday, but somehow ended up on the list here, too. Thanks for all the nice comments. Believe me they were completely unexpected! (Strange!) Guess I will save the one I was going to give you today for next week pending any unforeseen Twilight Zone-type activity...

MaryAnne23 said...

I always look forward to Wednesdays now!

dustus said...

Great poems all around from blog to blog! Just wanted to say that.
Thanks everybody

PattiKen said...

Reading this work is such a pleasure. So imagine my indignation that life dares to get in the way. I have gotten to only a handful of your entries. I will be back, and read them all before next Wednesday rolls around. I wouldn't miss it.

Brian Miller said...

excellent week everyone...just getting to the last 8 or so...after a nasty electircal storm...

Marshy said...

One Stop Poetry is now closed for this week....an excellent response and i look forward to seeing you all again next Wednesday when your host will be our own special lady, Moondustwriter...

Still got a few for poems to see so will finish my commenting today..but high standards set once again..thanks Pete

PattiKen said...

I just finished the last One Shot entry. I am so impressed. Thank you, Leslie, Brian, Pete and Adam for creating this "salon" (to use an old word) of talent. It is an honor to participate.

Anonymous said...

Good fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.

Unknown said...

I just wanted to thank every one for reading and say how thoroughly I enjoyed all your works as well. Be Inspired Today! Love and Light, Sender